Thursday, June 19, 2008

Seoul Outing


mi madre on the subway.

It's 11:00 p.m. on a thursday night. I'm tired and poop and want to go to bed. But I can't. Only two more days with the girlies and then POOF, they'll be gone for a very long time.

The reason for my tiredness? All the walking I did with my mom and aunt. Woke up this morning mad because I had to get up early (to help a friend get her hair cut). Then mom calls me and wants to hang out in Seoul and buy me food. YES!!

So I take them to Yonsei which was boring like .... sand, then we walk through idae to go to the subway and my mom and aunt act like kids in a candy store when they see all the stores. We all end up getting earrings.

We finally get to itaewon and eat lunch (which was okay) but I feel a little self conscious because my aunt still hasn't stopped talking about my gargantuan thighs and pot belly (all achieved through pounds of bread that I've consumed.) I've even named it: 찜닭--pronounced: jjim dak.
Still, I ate everything I could get my chopsticks on. yummms.

Next stop was dongdaemun where we walked to the stream (chongaechong) which was dirty and full of mosquitoes. yes!!! There was even this woman taking pictures of fake Coach and Fendi slip ons there. even better, right?

(omg, I'm watching xmen 3 and totally didn't realize that ellen paige AKA Juno is in it.... just a little FYI for the readers---HA, what readers?!??!)

We walk some more. My mom takes some more pictures. And my aunt plays in the water (on the clean side of the stream.) We eat 빈대떡 (sp?) which is a bean curd batter friend in a gallon of oil and looks like a thick pancake. Then we go home. yay!!!!

Now I'm in my room post-packing (yay! I'm done, and it only took two days) contemplating on whether or not I should get some sleep or suck it up and go drinking. hmmmmm


Anonymous said...

reading about your fatness made me feel better. i may be fat, but at least i dont have a potbelly,lol.

Big Brother Kenith said...

You two are so funny sometimes.:)