Thursday, June 12, 2008

gomaps sister


Taking a break right now from studying (It's korean which should be no surprise). Chowing on this awesome candy my sis gave me from the states. yummmmmm.

After studying non-stop for the past two weeks, I have to say that this is the MOST studying I have done since coming to Korea; And I'm sick of it. SICK OF IT!!!!! Fortunately for me, the fruits of my labor paid off when my moms called. My Korean, I think, was pretty damn awesome, if I do say so myself.

Anyways, so last night, right after my first dinner, I went over to my uncles house to see my mom. And she was looking pretty spiffy (by that, I mean hott, as in MILF hott) ---sorry, no pics, forgot my camera--- then I had my second dinner which was great!!! I love going home because rest assured, I'm always going to be fed good food (the banchan, more so) at no cost to me, yay! After that, surprise, surprise, my dad called (thoughts** hmmmm, I wonder why he's calling me after NOT calling me in like over a month?**) of course to speak to my mom. blah blah blah, fast forward to the two most memorable moments of the night.

1) my younger uncle kept on farting (which is no surprise) but then he let out this huge one that vibrated through the floor.... I felt a little disgusted because I felt it.

2) my older uncle's awesome outfit: lilac and red-violet striped shirt, white pants with a lilac flower print, and to top it off, grey toesie socks. It was a delight to see.

Can't wait for tomorrow. CIEE is having our farewell dinner at some performance place. I hope it's expensive. Then afterwards me and the chicas are going to the stream to play go-stop and drink. be jealous.

P.S. the videos have been loaded. YOU MUST WATCH THE FIRST CLIP. YOU MUST!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thats right you better thank me.
cuz im awesome like that.