Monday, June 9, 2008

World Cup

The World Cup qualifiers. My first official game ever. Against Korea (south, of course) and Jordan. Best game ever. The crowd did the wave, booed Jordan and cheered Korea (Dae Han Min Gook! Clap-clap clap clap clap). I had the best seats ever!! Clear view of EVERYTHING. Right side of the goal. And for how much? 20 freakin dollars!!! Or won, take your pick. I even got a video of Korea getting their second goal, which was just about the best thing that happened during the game. Seriously. The crowd went wild, but you can see for yourself.

My day actually started really early. Like 8:00 am early… on a Saturday. I know, how I even got up is a mystery to me, but it was all worth it. The girls and I went to see two of our CIEE group peeps play traditional instruments that they had been learning since the start of the semester. It was fantastico. Mainly because it was short and sounded pretty.

Afterwards we went to Itaewon to get some Korean Football Jerseys (Soccer for the Americans). Cost us 15 dollars each. Yes. While we were waiting to pick up our jerseys, I went looking around. Ended up buying some shot glasses and a bi (rain) calendar. The coolest part of it all was that I paid for them with American dollars. After that we hit up McDonalds. I felt like I was back in the states when walking in there. The only Koreans in there were the people working there and they were all speaking English. Made me feel a little uneasy and a little sad (because I have to go back soon). After that we headed back to Sinchon to meet up with Kelly, a girl from my CIEE group and her blood bro ---- little background on her. She’s an adopted Korean girl who came to Korea (this is her first trip) to find her mom. Lucky for her, her agency did just that. I didn’t actually go to the first meeting, but I heard it was everything that an adopted son/daughter could hope for in the first meeting.---- So we ended up eating at a Chinese restaurant. I really wanted to eat Jja ja myong (black noodles) but I apparently was still full from the gargantuan burger I had at Micky D’s.

By the time we finished stuffing our faces, we realized we were really pushing it for the game. So we ran like ______ (insert animal name) to get to the game on time--- which really means, that we power walked to the subway station. Least to say, we made it to the game.

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