Saturday, June 14, 2008

Reverse Culture Shock

1. The Five things that I worry about most when thinking about going home are:

1. Forgetting the Korean I learned here.
2. Keeping the study habits I have applied here (= not studying).
3. Losing stateside friends because I've "changed" too much
4. Reverse Culture Shock

2. The five things I missed most about home since I have been abroad:

1. Chau (my pet)
2. Gap
3. My room

3. Once I return home from overseas the five things I believe I will miss the least about living abroad:

1. stairs
2. Being called a foreigner
3. That's
4. it.

The five things I believe I will miss the most from abroad once I have returned home are:

1. Late night spur of the moment shopping/Karoke
2. City life
4. Japan
5. All you can eat meat buffet

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