Monday, June 9, 2008

sushi and the sexy movie

This past weekend I was in Anyang with my peeps, aka my fam. At first I was kind of dreading it, just because I'm getting tired of taking the subway.---I've developed a deep hatred of the stairs; 2-3 flights going in and out plus 2 more sets when transfering = thunder thighs and Lonny out of breath.

This weekend actually became one of the funnest ones. why? because I got to chill with the young folks. In Korea, I have only one cousin (that's right, UNO cousin) that is around my age. Everyone else is 30 and above so to them, fun is either taking care of their kids or trying to get me to go to a jjimjjilbang (public bathhouse) ---still haven't gone yet, but that WILL be checked off my list of things to do by this weekend.

So on Sunday it was me, ji-eun unni, and her friend (<-- she was hilarious. She kept of trying to speak in English, but the funny part was that instead of speaking in a normal voice, she would whisper it to me as if she was telling me a secret.) Anyways, I've diverted. We ended up eating 초밥 and 동까스/fried pork cutlet (forgot how to spell it) after spending about 10 minutes discussing what we were going to eat. ahh, forgot to say, 초밥 is sushi. It was delish which is great, because I just found out about this Japanese restaurant that's like 5 minutes from where I live.

After that we went to go see Sex in the City, which to me wasn't as great as people made it out to be. I thought it was okay, but my cousin and her friend said it was a little too sexy. I agreed.

After that we all went home. washed up. Watched a re-run of "We got married" (alex and shin-ae are going to meet again. AHHHHHH!!!! I'm so excited I could piss my pants!) and passed out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it wasnt too sexy.
it was just sexy enough.
and you should see kung fu pana.
me sam and victor saw it and it was hilarious.