Saturday, June 14, 2008

Farewell Dinner


Last night didn't go as planned. Even so, it was a delicious and fun night. I ended up skipping my Language class because I was too lazy to leave the room (even though I left the room earlier that day to get a Bacon Tomato Deluxe at McDonalds).

6:30 pm rolls around and we realize that we need to be in Insadong pronto. We didn't want to wait any longer for the second group to finish buying their subway tickets, so the first group went ahead and got on the subway. So we finally get off the subway and lo' and behold ahead of us is the second group we "thought" we had left behind. WTF?!!?!? Voodoo magic. Anyhoo, it didn't really help much considering we were still late.

The restuarant we went to is owned by an ex-buddhist monk who only made vegetarian meals. At first, I was like...... but it was DELICIOUS!!!! Aside from the fact that there was a bunch of spinach side dishes, there was a bunch of new things (i'll spare you the details since 1- no one really reads this and 2-I don't really know the names). Afterwards there was a performance of traditional music in the center of the place. That was alright, a little long for my taste.

Afterwards the usual girls and Suzanne (our CIEE director) went out for a 637g (or five scoops of) ice cream. delish. more so because Suzanne shelled out 13,200 won to buy it for us.

fastforward... blah blah blah.... we passed by a sticker picture place and Suzanne says that she has NEVER done it before. Blasphemy. So we go in to do one, and these pics turned out to be my absolute faves while in Korea/Japan. yay!!!! perfect end to the day!


Anonymous said...

"no one really reads this"
F that shit. i read it. and I am uber importante.

モテる度チェッカー said...
