Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Japan is expensive...

I knew that coming into Japan.

But it didn't really hit me until we decided to go do karaoke there. Me and my friends had just had some awesome ice cream sundaes when we passed this karaoke place.
Photobucket Photobucket
(green tea and sweet potato flavored)

Kao Nou, the only person from our group who spoke some Japanese asked how much it cost. 360 yen ($3.60) per half hour. We were flabbergasted. It was cheaper than karaoking in Korea, so were all for it. Two hours later, we come down to pay and pull out our coins thinking we would each be paying like 300 yen. But then the lady taking out money shook her head, and wrote down that the total price was 12000 yen ($120.00) What?!?!?!?!?! huhhhh????? Well we failed to read that it would cost us 360 yen per person per 30 minutes. ughhhhhhh. So we each paid 2000 yen to cover the cost.
Even so, I've decided that I'm set on coming back to Kyoto to study during next summer.


Anonymous said...

Take me with.

Anonymous said...

you should proofread your entries before you post them. they are riddled with mistakes.

you called while i was in class. i tried calling back but all i got was this korean lady saying stuff i didnt understand. i know she was telling me to press something, but i didnt know what to press.