Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Sight Seeing

The palaces here were extraordiary. Seriously. Each place we went to had something new to see, whether it was the structure of the buildings, the huge ponds, the gold palace, or the gardens.

My favorite place to go was the Silver Pavillion (no pics currently, mala mi). We didn't get to see the actualy pavillion b/c they were doing some work on it, but the garden was so soo pretty. It was just like what we see in the movies or pictures. Only difference was that I was there.
This pic was taken at a temple. The saying was that if you drank out of all of these streams then you would gain wisdom, wealth, or long life. But you shouldn't drink all three b/c then you'd be greedy. I drank the wisdom, b/c I figure if I'm wise then I'll know how to become wealthy and live my long life spending it. good logic right? I think it's already taking effect.

There was another place that had two stones, each one about 2 meters apart from each other. The saying for that was at one end you would make a wish (our tour guide said that people usually wished for girlfriends or boyfriends---me and my friend did---), but in order for it to comPhotobuckete true you would have to walk from one stone to the other with your eyes closed.

By far, this was the most extravagant palace. It's covered in gold, thus the name the Golden Pavillion.


This was one of my favorite things to see. The guardians that were at the temple gates. I don't know why I'm really drawn to them. They just look really cool.

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Above on the left is the largest Buddah in the WORLD!!!!! That's right. THE LARGEST EVERRRR. To the right of it, is my CIEE friend, Vianey going through a hole that is the size of Buddah's nostil. Pretty big. I think it was said that if you could go through, then you would have good luck???? not too sure, but it was something like that.


Anonymous said...

excellent... I have to write a 10 page paper on buddhism and now I will talk about the giant buddha

and ur lame....cause i am not a meanie "that really hurts"

Anonymous said...

you know who's buddhist?
Orlando Bloom.