Thursday, April 10, 2008

Picnics on a rainy day

So, about 3 weeks into my stay in Korea, I was informed that South Korea had created a new holiday----> Election day (oh yeah, take that USA, who likes to still have school on holidays). So anyhoo, my CIEE (the program I'm in) friends and I decided to have a picnic since the day before was a beautful day.

Well, come Wednesday (Election Day), the sky looked like gray, just as if a tornado was going to come. We were like, "whatever." So we bought a chicken for 5 dollars (I didn't know chicken was that cheap) and sandwhich stuff and made our way to the Olympic Park ('88' Olympics were here, duh).


The park was actually nice looking. Lots of sculptures and flowers. It's not usually my kind of place since I'm not into taking pics of flowers (b/c flowers to me.... are just flowers) but one of my friends is into picture taking, especially flowers. So you guys get to see.

They're really pretty, yes? Anyhoo, so we forgot to bring a blanket so we had to find a picnic table. Not an easy task considering it was on the other side of the park we were at. But anyhoo. After about a 30 minute walk we finally made it there. Up top is a pic of what our table looked like. And guess what? I made my first ever kimbop. ohhh yeah. It tasted okay though. I put in some bulgogi flavored tuna.... that was interesting.
While we were eating, this creepy old lady was walking toward us. I didn't really think anything of it, until she actually came up to us and starting staring at us. I didn't want to share (which is bad b/c Koreans in general share their food) so I acted like I didn't know Korean and just stared at my food. I guess she thought we didn't catch the hint while she was there so she started talking to us. Here's a recap:
"Are you guys from Taiwan?"
"You all have different faces."
"Wow,,, you brought alot of food."
"Are you guys going to eat it all?"
Eventually she caught the hint that WE WEREN'T SHARING so she left. wheeewwwww.
Anyhoo, so after the picnic we decided today would be a perfect opportunity to take sticker pictures!!! yay!!! Take a lookie!!!


My Wednesday turned out pretty well. But the Tuesday before didn't turn out well. Right before my korean class, my roomie had my new adapter with her. YAY!!!! Excitement. Just in time too, since I have a research paper to right next week. Well I get home and realize that this new adapter looks different than my original one. I think,Well maybe this one is just a travel size version." I plug it in and the light comes on. (YES) I plug it into my computer and the light is still on. (YES) I turn on my computer (YES YES YES YES). Then.... It. Turns. Off. Noooooooo!?!?!?!?!? Right about now, I'm starting to feel sick b/c I'm thinking that the problem is with my computer and not the adapter anymore. But then I look at the model number of the new adapter and notice IT'S THE WRONG ONE!!!!!! my model number is ....19..... and this one was ...16..... So basically the person who packed my adapter can't read. Just my luck.

So now, I don't know what I'm going to do. B/c if I have to send it back to the states to have a new one sent that's going to take about a month for it to get back here. Woe is me.


Anonymous said...

Those are pretty pictures, and why am I a meanie. Anywho, I'll send you a message on Facebook, ORRRRR you can give me your phonenumber so that I can call you so we can catch up. I love my nutrition classes they are awesome. If you want some advice. Look no further. Anywho. Glad to see some light shed on your cloudy skies. Hope all is well keep blogging like a mabba jabba. PS Tanzy, I hate you......

Anonymous said...

YOU are the meanie. I would have at least given some food to the old lady. should find that sticker picture place we went to before so you can put on wigs(that don't look good on hahahaha. i am soooo funny. so yeah, have fun in japan and you better give me something uber awesome or i might have to kill chau.

stop saying/typing 'anyhoo' its just weird

Taharka I will slit your throat.

you looked nice in the pictures, now all you have to do is start dressing like a grownup.

Big Brother Kenith said...

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