Thursday, April 24, 2008


All of last week was spent doing who knows what, but I am sure my time wasn't studying. I think I was sleeping most of the time, thanks to Mr. Zyrtec. Can't really remember though. On top of that I had my first horror experience with registering for my classes back at UT. I have to take 18 hours (in order to graduate by the fall of '09') next semester but the computer wasn't helping me out, not one bit. First it wouldn't let me register for the classes I needed b/c it said I didn't meet the prereq's, when I clearly do, AND the stupid classes wouldn't waitlist me. So now I'm playing the waiting game hoping to get the right classes I need.

But back to this week; What did I do? I crammed, big time; though it didn't seem to benefit me in the least. I think I failed my art history test and the report I had to write for that class. Omg, it was THE worst paper I have ever written. Really.Photobucket

But it's cool, because today marked the end of my mid-terms. And how did I celebrate? I ate Takoyaki,translation: Octopus Balls. It is SOOOOOO good. It's this doughy thing with octopus bits in it. On top are three different sauces and the flakes are (i think) fish skin, which is really creepy to see, b/c it moves as if it's alive when really it's the heat that's making it move. Oh, and earlier I tried cheese dokboki for the first time and it was DELICIOUS. All $3.00 of it. It had noodles, and rice cake (떡), fish cake (오댕), and an egg topped with mozzarella cheese. Absolutely delish.Photobucket


Anonymous said...

when i read 'octopus balls', i thought you were literally eating octopus balls. i was thinking to myself, wow i didn't even know octopuses(octopi?) had balls,lol.

Anonymous said...

oh man and guess what?
i only have class on tuesday and wednesday next semester.
AND i'm going to graduate a semester early.