Saturday, April 26, 2008


Friday ended mid-term week beautifully, well, aside from the fact that I still had Korean language class. I was planning on skipping it (to do nothing) but our teacher said that if we wanted to know our grades then we had to come. *These teachers are pretty smart*.
As soon as our teacher walks in, she asks me what I thought about the test. I say "the writing part was hard." Then she says I must have not studied hard enough for the test, which has me thinking that I must have done pretty bad on it for her to only ask me and one other girl.

She's passing out the papers, and I feel like I'm about show everyone what I ate for lunch (in other, I'm about to puke). I take a peak at my grade, and see, not a 5, 6, or 7, but a 85.9. WTF!?!?! I did pretty well on my writing test. My speaking was an 89 (which surprised me, because I thought I spoke like a child), listening, 92; and reading was a 90. so YAY!!!! But now, since my class' writing test grades were 'low' compared to other classes, my teacher's going to give us homework every night....noooooooooo.

Earlier that day I went out to lunch with this guy named Steven (a friend of my mom) and his sister-in-law. We ate at this really nice Italian restaurant which was a nice change compared to where I usually eat on a college student's allowance. Anyway, they started talking about someone named Sorah. I'm thinking to myself, there is no way that these people could be talking about the Sorah I know. But, in fact, it was the same Sorah. The two families, I believe, are long time friends. But yeah, so we started to have a conversation about the Kims family (why? I have no idea, but I went with it). The sister-in-law was asked what Sorah was majoring in, and I was going to answer, but Steven also seemed to know: Business. "She wants to be a business woman." LMAO. I just kept my mouth shut.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i've decided i'm going to start a blog. and guess what? it's going to be better than yours. muahahahahaha.