Thursday, May 22, 2008

I hate Swimming

Today started off like any other day. Went to my Art History class, which I have to say, I am learning alot (even though I forget most of it), but I won't bore you with the details. Went to my 'Topics' class which luckily was only an hour long. But then I went to swimming. Worst experience of my life. I broke my goggles today, the day I had to do 6 laps, back to back. I lost my toric lens during my first lap, and it wasn't just any lens, it was my toric lens; you know, the over-priced lens made for people with football shaped eyes aka astigmatism (really, why do I have to be punished for a deficiency I did not cause?). I drank practically half the pool during the process, and felt like like killing myself in the middle of each lap. To make it worse, I think I was the worst swimmer. The teacher kept of telling me to keep my hands down, but, I mean, I was more focused on breathing and finishing than trying to correct my swim technique. Mother bear. When I was leaving class my legs almost gave out on me, which had me thinking "How did I get worse at swimming when I took a class to get better?" Mind boggling.

So I ended up going back to my room (which was hell walking back since it's a 30 minute walk one-way) to clean up and to get some eye drops since it looked like I had been crying for about 3984273984 hours.

Afterwards, I hit up Korean class which was nothing special. We talked about weddings and stuff. Then I went and got free pizza. Well, I was actually supposed to stay and watch a movie to get the picture, but I didn't care. So I got my two slices of potato pizza (with corn?) and went back to my room to chill. I was supppeerrrr tired but ended up catching up on some Greek (which is like the greatest show when Emily stopped by the room. We ended up going to three stores in search of some ice-cream.

Ughhh. I am soo freaking tired. But.I.Must.Not.Sleep....Cannot.Waste.This.Night.


Anonymous said...

stop complaining. i cant even run for more than 5 minutes without stopping anymore. ugh. i. hate. the. gym.

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