Tuesday, March 11, 2008

School is lame...

to the max... I could NOT imagine going to school here permanently. Had I got my schooling here, I probably would've dropped out by now.Photobucket

Aside from one teacher (my Kundo teacher), the teachers here are all exceptionally boring. Oh, and don't forget the monotone voice. Perfect match right? To make it worse, the students here are either too shy to talk or don't understand enough English to speak (All my classes are technically for English speaking students, but Koreans are also allowed to take them).

I seem to be one of the 3 students speaking in my class (Intro to Art History) which is pretty bad considering it's a discussion class. Now, I would totally understand if this was a 100 plus student class, but there are only 15 of us. count it. One. Five. Just so you can get an idea, here's an example:

Teacher: Describe this picture.
Student: It's a man sitting on a chair.
Teacher: Okay, well, does anyone else have something to say?

Come on now, we're in college. The least you could do is throw in an opinion or something. From what I can see, these people seriously believe in the whole lecture format.

1 comment:

xxorli4lifexx said...

well if no one else talks it forces you to actually pay attention since you have to. so i guess thats one good thing.