Monday, March 3, 2008

One week down, 16 more weeks to go

March 3, 2008
So, today was the first day of school. Of course I came totally unprepared. I spent all of last night first, trying to get my internet to work (I got electrocuted during the process) and then trying to find my class schedule. Well, I never found it. Luckily I figured out a way (looking at the course schedule) and went to my only class- Sociology of the Body. I was there for about 15 minutes before I left. That class was wayyyyy too hard; harder than most of my classes at UT. For one thing, the guy said that no matter how late you are, whether it's a minute or 5, you'll be marked absense. And then he took out three HUGE books and said, "You are going to read them all". What the eff??? On top of it all, he said he expected us to drop the class after today, so I figure, why disapoint him? Smart move, right?

PhotobucketAnyway, so I realized that I haven't yet showed you my new apartment. But first, let's start with the dormPhotobucket I moved out of. VERY SMALL, even smaller than my dorm at UT (and I was at the crappiest of them all~Jester). It had a mini fridge, but no sink. And there was barely any closet space. On the upside there was alot of little cubby shelves, and there was a desk lamp. The community bath (sorry no pics), was okay except that there wasn't a changing place in the shower stalls. I'm guessing we were expected to come out of our stalls naked to change in the open? Well I defied that and hung my towel and pj's over the shower curtain rail, and get this.... I changed... INSIDE the stall. It was a little tricky staying dry though. Because of construction right outside our dorm (which Photobucketwould mean a wake up call at 7:00 am every morning) my program CIEE offered to place us somewhere else, hence CasaVille, a temporary apartment complex. It's waaayy nicer. Fairly new (built in 2006) with heated floors (oohhh yeahh). Only negative is that it's a thirty minute walk from the apartment to campus. Oh well, exercise is always good for the body.

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