Monday, March 31, 2008

Mission Ipod

Friday March 28, 2008
Mission: Must attain one Ipod Nano USB cord by night fall

After about a 30 minute ride on the subway, I've made it to my destination. Yongsan, or as the foreigners like to call it, Electronic city. All the computers, cameras, and mp3's are exceptionally shiny today, as if calling my name. No, I must not allow anything to divert me from my mission.

5 minutes of walking and I have given in. I stay i the video game section rocking out to Guitar Hero for 30 minutes. By then, the sellers realize I have no interest in buying their products. They take the remote controller away from me. I leave.

Again I continue my search for the missing Ipod cord. Ahh!! My eyes!! Oh, it's just those neon colored cameras all neatly stacked on the thousands of shelves surrounding me. I play with those for another ten minutes before the people's stares cause me to leave. My feet start to hurt after 3 hours of walking. I'm hungry. I start to head back but then I see it. The big white apple. Yes! I ask the man if he sells what I'm looking for. He pulls one down and tells me it costs $20.00. I give him the stink eye. He lowers the price to $15.00. Perfect. Mission completed.

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