Thursday, March 13, 2008

Rokon Magazine

So basically at exactly 5:49 p.m. the best thing ever happened to me. Drums please.... I!!!! YAY!!!! And not only did I get an iPhotobucketnternship but I got one that's interesting; a music magazine. Effin awesome, right? I know all you jealous heffers must be curious as to how I got this fantabulous opportunity. It was one of those "being in the right place at the right time." I was in my Topics on Korean Language and Culture (<----- yawn fest of a class.) And when I introduced myself I said that I was a magazine journalism major. Well after class this guy came up to me and asked if I would be interested in writing for a magazine in the sinchon area. Course I said yes, so he told me to call the publisher of the magazine which brings me to today. I called Julian (that's his name) and after I told him about the music I liked he said,"Write me up four profiles of any band you like." nice huh? Once I get published I get my own all access card which means, Lonny won't have to pay a damn 10-15 dollar cover fee. YES!!! Yeppers. I'm great and you know it!!


Big Brother Kenith said...

Congratulation! I hope this internship will also make you a little money. Hay, are you calling us young ladies cows(heffer)? LOL!

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS KICK ASS LOVELY! I'm sooo proud of you and I had no doubt that you would get it. It came fast! Enjoy it and write what the hell you want to write about. We down here in Texas are all celebrating on your behalf even though you are thousands of milies away. You better celebrate because you deserve it. Your thank you to me and sam was cool and your welcome. Don't work too hard and have fun with it. Miss ya.

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invierta en proyectos said...

Like your article very much!!!
Keep it up