Tuesday, March 25, 2008

R.I.P ~ My computer ~ 3/24/08

Yes, So I actually wrote this blog on paper (lame) and am currently ditching class to type it up for you guys (the class I left is super gay anyways).

Reason why: The power cord to my computer has died. It seems that tripping on the cord too many times can prevent it from connecting to my computer. whoopsy!!! The a/c adapter was just purchased today, which means it should take a week for it to get delivered in the states, and then another week for it to get to Korea, so until then I won't be blogging as much. Sucks for you guys, because now I wont' get to show all the pics I'm going to take while in Japan (Is anyone jealous yet??) muahahhahaha.

So the M.T. was pretty awesome. (It stands for membership training, although I was told that all it really is a reason for everyone to get together, drink and play games.) I only have two pics because I stole them from facebook, but I'll show you the ones I took when my computer is resurrected.

If youre going to comment on how red (or brown, however you wanna see it) I am, no need, I already know.

I met some really cool people there, I don't really remember who they Photobucketare anymore, but none the less they were nice. The Korean girls in my group were especially nice, and surprisingly they were all freshman. Very mature for their ages, I would say. Which reminds of another "young" friend I have back in the states who's just turned 18. Happy Birthday!!!!!

After meeting each new person, I go the usual, "So, what are you?" I responded with the usual "Korean and black". In the states that would either be the end of it or they would go on to say that I don't look like either, but over here I got,

"Do you know who else is Korean and black?"

me: sighing in my head "No, who?"

The others: "Amerie and Hines Ward."

The other response I got was," Where is you're family from in Africa?" WTF?!?!?!?! I said, "America" then they said,"No, where in Africa?" So then I just said my fam was from Tanzania (only because my aunt and sister was named after it). How bizarre.


Big Brother Kenith said...

"Tanzania", that is so funny.

Anonymous said...

you know i found out that 50% of people that are Asian have "alcohol flush reaction". and you can take some pill before you drink so that you dont get red or get a headache(like i do). i can't remember what pill it is though.

Anonymous said...

Ok, yeah, it's because you don't have an enzyme to break down formaldehyde(poisonious) or something like that into acetone (non-toxic). So your blood vessels in your face get large. Anywho. Damn straight I better be in your blog. And I'm not jealous simply because you are not cooler than me. And Ricardo (Buddhist member) is going to Okinawa for 4 years? How freaking awesome is that? THat's something to be jealous of because that's where the family is from. Anyho, have fun in Japan, take lots of pictures for me. And if I don't have Utada's CD, I'll hate you for life. (^_^)"-

Anonymous said...


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