Friday, March 14, 2008

Naked People and the Almost Club Night

So Thursday was my first actual swim class day. Earlier that day I was debating whether or not I should wear my swimsuit there to save on time but then I thought, "nahhhhh, I'll just change in the changing stalls." Well stupid me. I should've known that the 'changing stall' would actually turn out to be a big open room. As soon as I get in there I'm looking around and seeing everyone nonchalantly taking off their bras and panties to get into their swimsuits.

"What the hell am I going to do?" I say.
"Just change in here, I did" says my chingoo (friend).
"Heck no! Do you know who I am? I'm Lonny."
"What does that mean?"
"Well noob, it means I defy all rules."

So I go change into the ONLY tiny bathroom stall. So fastforward andPhotobucket I'm talking to my friend before class starts. I'm telling her how my pits are a little stubby (TMI???) but then I look over her shoulder and see this Chinese girls pits. I could've braided her hair (if I was that disgusting). ughhhhhhhh!!!!!! This is one Western culture thing I think ALL of Asia and Europe should copy.
Anywayssss.... so the class was really fun. Our teacher wanted to test our swimming ability by having us freestyle 2 laps down the pool. I was just about to piss my pants I was soo nervous. I had not swam in like 8 years and she was asking me to go down the pool the long way. Well I did it, and it wasn't too bad. The teacher said I was a pretty good swimmer, but ehhhh. After that we practiced kicking with those floaty board things. forgot their name.

The nerve wrecking part didn't happen until about 10 minutes after class when everyone was taking their shower. So I decide there's no way anyone's gonna get me to take off my suit in front of 13 other girls so I go straight to the changing room. Every where I looked, there was the female anatomy. Very uncomfortable for anyone who's not used to seeing this on a daily basis.
What happens when you wear heels all day everyday like the girls here in Korea.


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