Thursday, March 6, 2008

Korea vs. The States


It's spring!!!! ~봄~!! About time too, because I don't have too many winter clothes and I'm tired of wearing my Ugg boots (although I have to say that they really were the only shoes that kept my feet warm in 25 degree weather).

I've also finalized my class schedule. Check it out.Photobucket So basically, I don't have class on Monday's and Friday's (excluding Korean class). This schedule is way better than any of my classes at UT AND I'm taking a full load, 15 hours.
So far I've been to all my courses except for Kundo (I think Yonsei misspelled it; I think it's supposed to be Kendo) and the dance class. I didn't really want to take that class at first but then I read that we get to learn how to swing dance, so that should be fun. Before I got this class I registered for a body building class. Well, I found the room, but the door was taped shut, sooo.... I didn't go to class.

Today, in my Intro to Art History class, my teacher told us we won't have to buy books since importing them would take too long (and a lot of $moolah$ I don't wanna give). Awesome. So for this semester I have spent a total of $72.00 on all my school books, as opposed to the $200.00-$300.00 I usually spend at my home campus.

Have you guys ever heard of cross walks going diagonally across the street? I haven't nor had I ever seen one til I moved off campus.

*note* I hope you guys are appreciating these pics, b/c after every single one I take, I get a lot of weird stares from Koreans
Not only that but drivers in Korea are CRAZY!!!!! They seriously don't believe in the pedestrian going first.Going across crosswalks here is like trying to get through a battle zone with getting shot. People here actually have to dodge cars... or get hit. My program director was telling me the one time she hit someone... So she was about to make a right turn at a light. The crosswalk sign was at red and no one was stupidly trying to cross it, so she started to turn when all of a sudden a dude in a white coat comes running across the street, and then she hits him. Well there was a police car a few cars behind her and a lot of people watching the whole thing; but did anyone get out of their cars or walk to the hit guy? nope. they all just watched. even the police man; he stayed in his car. Well, the guy who got hit, got up, dusted off his coat, and then ran off. So my program director got off the hook.

This was when the light was red... see what I mean? A freaking bus was in the crosswalk.
I think you guys already know that Korean guys tend to care more about their appearance than American guys. So I took a pic of two guys with a 'Man bag'.


While me and a few girls were in the school book store, my roommate found this book.It basically had all the questions a 5th grader in a sex ed class would ask. For example, if a girl put's in a tampon for the first time does that mean she's not a virgin? Can you break a penis? Is semen nutritious or fatty? And all the questions were answered. Silly, silly, Koreans.


Lastly, do not, I repeat, DO NOT ever eat at an "American restaurant" without expecting to pay atleast double of what you would normally pay in the U.S. I decided to go to Pizza Hut because I was getting tired of Korean food. Instead of stepping into the typical slightly dirty fast food restaurant I'm so used to in the western hemisphere I stepped into a 3 story restaurant equipped with an elevator, watresses with headphones, cooks in those cute chef outfits, and risotto and pasta on the menu. It looked more like an upgraded Bostons. My table's bill was as follows: One large pepperoni pizza - $17.00/One medium cheese pizza - $15.00/ One diet Pepsi drink (she actually asked for a Pepsi. Maybe the waitress was trying to say something...) - $2.50. It wasn't tooooo bad. But I wouldn't make it a regular thing to do.

P.S. I went to see a dance show performed by dance groups from Yonsei. Can Koreans dance?


xxorli4lifexx said...

People don't care about red lights in new york either.
but about that "why do men have nipples" book, i totally just wrote about that for biology extra credit. what a coinky dink.

xxorli4lifexx said...

and no, those koreans cannot dance, and i should've known that it would be michael jackson. koreans love them some mj.

Taharka said...

I hate you for being a hooker, anyways, yeah I like the site, I'm going to your house to get some of OMA's cooking....yeah...sucker