Friday, March 21, 2008

Hey Tanzy!!

TGIF!!!! It's Friday, 9:00 p.m., and I'm in my room blogging. Doesn't sound like the start of a good weekend to me. Everyone's still out doing their club things so maybe we'll go to the bar (gay bar, gay bar... look it up, it's an awesome song) later tonight.

On a normal weekend, I would most likely be with my family (I decided that unless I'm doing something with my school on weekends I'm dedicating my weekends to spending time with them seeing how I'm not gonna see my friends here again once we all leave), but tomorrow I'm going to a dance clinic, to where, hopefully I'll be able to audition and *cross my fingers* make the team. It's not a great team or anything, but the guys are pretty awesome dancers. After that I'm going to Gapyeon (someplace on the outskirts of Seoul) for an overnight hangout thing for the international students.

I'm actually really excited to go. I almost never see the I-house people anymore (International House, where all the other exchange students live). CasaVille is a great place to live, living condition wise, but it's just the CIEE people and a few other program people. Being 20 minutes away from school makes it really hard to see the people there, but whatever, atleast I live better than them and don't have to wake up to construction. :)


PhotobucketSo, about a week ago I found out there are other girls from different programs here. Last weekend I tagged along with them and went to a bar. What bar, you say? The Ho Bar. It was okay. We just had a drink before we all went to Lotteria to quench our munchies. I had a cosmopolitan. It was ehhhhhh... okay. Pretty though.


This was awesome!!!! For you Korean food noobs, all this is is fried rice cakes with some kind of chili-ketchup sauce on it. Absolute delish. And it was only 50 cents.
I'm a total magazine whore in "America" (Koreans don't understand when I say "The States"), so I had to buy a fash mag here. It cost $4.50 and came with a free make-up book. The magazine was awesome. It's basically an American magazine translated into Korean. The majority of stories are about Americans.

I was starving after my swim class but didn't want to eat too much so I could eat dinner, so I got this waffle. Inside it (it's folded in half), this woman swiped some syrup and then put some whipped cream stuff on it. It was good, but afterward, I started to get a stomach ache. I got a little scared that I might have gotten food poison (I bought it in the same cafeteria my friends got sick from) but then some people told me that it was because I ate bread on an empty stomach. Supposedly that's not good for you. Who would've thunk?

If you like grape fruit then this drink is for you. I didn't like it because I hate grape fruit. Yecht.

So I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that bows are in season. I was wondering why there were bow everything in all the shopping ares I've been in. I didn't go into the store. I was afraid the people would see that I couldn't afford anything.

Meet one of many 'crippled' men who push this little music box that plays horrid korean music. I still haven't put any money in the box just because you can't be too sure if they're tricking you. He's been here everyday since I've been here. Just today, I seen him trying to eat his hotdog.



Anonymous said...

AHHHHH! fried thuk, so not fair. I've been stuck eating mac and cheese all week since the cafeteria is closed for spring break. lame. and is there anything in particular you want me to put in ur care package. anything u;ve been jonesing for that you can't buy in korea.

Anonymous said...

Hey, you went to the HO bar. LMAO, what does that mean in Korean? I'm glad to see you doing fun stuff. I just sat on my ass all Spring Break. And a person I know is PCS'ing to Okinawa for 4 years in the ARMY.....WTF@?@?@?@?@ Anywho. Better put more posts up soon.