Monday, March 31, 2008

Club Night

Friday night, I burned about $25.00. Doesn't sound like much, right?
That's alot considering in TX I've spent about $0.00 when going out clubbing.

Right before the club, we stopped by a bar to get a drink with a bunch of people I didn't know. Everyone was drinking $7.00 Heinekens while I drank a wine cooler (Beer, to me is yecht). Well the people I came with didn't realized how expensive imported beer is and didn't want to pay for it, so we snuck out of the bar and left the tab for that group of people already there. It's not how I usually get free drinks, but that'll do.
So the reason for me going out: Club Night. It happens on the last Friday of every month. Basically, you pay $15.00 to get one free drink and a wrist band that gets you into a bunch of clubs. On any other night you would have to pay $15-20 for each club you went into. We only stayed until around 2:30 am but it was FUN. The music was okay though, alot of old school rap and R&B.


Anonymous said...

guess who saw pete wentz yesterday?
guess who got to hug pete wentz yesterday?
because I'm AWESOME.

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