Sunday, March 16, 2008


It's been 3 weeks already. It's been both going too fast and yet not fast enough for me ( I have a concert waiting for me back home :) ) I'm really worried that I'm not going to get out of Korea what I came here for, which is to be able to speak Korean; well, atleast well enough to communicate well with my family. But things don't seem to be going my way. I thought that in coming here I would be forced to speak Korean everyday, but the only thing I seem to say constantly is either "How much is this?" and "Where is this place?". Other than that, I'm always spoken to in English.

On top of that, aside from maybe 3 people, everyone has either no knowledge of Korean or barely any. But my roomie and I have been trying to speak to each other in Korean whenever we can, but I try to say some pretty simple stuff to my other friends like "Where do you wanna go?" I have to translate it back into English because they have no idea what I'm saying. It's not there fault because I know they're trying to learn, especially my friend Vianey.

She came here with NO knowledge whatsoever of Korea but is learning alot. Just the other day out of the blue she said "배고파. 밥 사조" (I'm hungry. Buy me food.) ~~~spelling might be a tad off~~~ It was pretty funny since I wasn't expecting it, but her pronunciation is pretty spot on. Anyways... So I signed up for this program that matches you up with a Korean buddy to help you speak Korean. Mine seemed fine until I asked him why he signed up for this. His answer? He wanted to improve his English. Kill me now. Now it's going to be more like me tutoring someone for free. great.

Oh, and my family doesn't make it any easier for me. When I was talking to one of my older cousins, she asked me how many people are in my program and instead of saying 15 people, I said 15 things. (15개 15명) Well my little cousins thought it was funny and started laughing at me. It's a little depressing to think that I have a high chance of leaving Korea with the same speaking ability. Who knows, maybe it'll change.

1 comment:

Taharka said...

Well you better be able to cook some Korean food, you didn't give me your phone number and post some more videos on YouTube I wanna see them.