Thursday, May 8, 2008

Kundo/Kendo/검도 (thnx)

a Japanese form of fencing using bamboo staves, with the contestants wearing head guards and protective garments.

So a while back, I told you guys that I was taking Kundo classes. Well I was finally able to take pictures of my actual class.


I was NOT pleasantly surprised in deciding to take this class. When I signed up for this, I thought it would basically be a blow-off class, you know, where the students dress up with their sticks and fight each other, but learn some legit moves along the way. NO.

We are basically being trained just like any person paying to take lessons. All we do is the same movements which are two: 1- you hit the head and 2- you hit the wrists. Oh wait, I almost forgot; there's also the combination where you hit the head and wrists.

At the end of the first week my arms were killing me. Really. I could barely lift my arms that next week. But just when I started getting used to striking non-stop, our teacher has us charge and jump AND strike. ughhhhhh. It's funny though because we look like retards when we do it. But that's because we can't seem to master the leg movement. It's kinda hard to explain so go youtube it.

In the end, I think it's worth it. Why? I get to keep my Kundo stick and I can give my friends back home a good laugh when I show them just what I've been doing in my kundo class.

Below is a video of what our daily test was. Enjoy!!!


Anonymous said...


Big Brother Kenith said...

Thanks for the Blog update. Not;(
Now I understand why you're not excited about your Kendo class. I hope the Kendo instructor is working for free.

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