Monday, May 19, 2008


So I just came back from one of the most awkwardest moments while in Korea. I decided to spend my weekend with my family (once again) because I wasn't going to be able to next week because of a trip I'm going on; after going out to eat we were all in the living room watching tv.

We ended up watching this documentary on this young mom with cancer (I think, I'm not sure) who looked soo miserable. It basically showed how she lived her life in a hospital with her hubby and baby. The show was fine, up until the end.... where they showed her in her very last moments. Now, usually they would stop filming once she dies, but nooooooo. The film kept rolling, so not only did I see a real dead person, but I also got to see her husband and mom crying their arses off. That was uncomfortable in itself, but then my aunt starting crying. And it wasn't one of those tear rolling down the face moments, it was the bawling, crying your eyes out, heaving moments. To make it worse, both of my cousins had left to room leaving me and my aunt by ourselves. Now anyone who knows me, knows that I am one- against any type of crying. I just hate it. and two- I'd rather walk away and act like nothing is happening than comfort someone who's crying.

So I just sat there, staring at the tv. As soon as she stopped crying, I said goodnight and went to bed.

But oh.... the document didn't end there. It ended AFTER the grandmom and child went down to the morgue to see the 'not alive' mom. I SEEN HER FACE!!!!!! I just... couldn't believe it. I would never want to see my mom in a plastic bag, but I guess Korean people think differently.


Anonymous said...

I think Korean people just find joy in watching TV and crying...

Anonymous said...

Very good sharing this.