Wednesday, July 9, 2008


CIEE Spring 2008 Seoul, Korea Group 6


After having been in Texas for a full week, I am 80 percent free of this disease called Jet lag.
First, I would like to apoligize for the lack of posts since my last one. Since moving out of Casaville, internet was non existent until I was back at home.

Since being back, I was suprised to see that I fell right back into the nick of things. It felt as if I was never gone. Now this could be both a good and bad thing. Good in that I still have my friends and bad in that it kind of seemed like this awesome trip didn't really bring about change in me. Since getting used to central time, I've just been hanging out with my friends (when theyre not working or going to summer school) and studying Korean. And guess what? I'm still speaking Korean. My mom is pushing me to speak Korean to her more often. And since I'm not working and have no transportation (I'm being very "nice" and giving my sister my car for the rest of the summer) I'm starting to study Korean by myself. Although I'm crossing my fingers for this to not just be a phase.

Not much more to say here, for it is the end. But I just wanted to thank CIEE, Suzanne, and most of the the lovely 8eight8 (<---lol) because without you girlies my time in Korea would've have been a great as it was. See you guys in New York.

